How can the Kolorlan System support you?
The Kolorlan system offers you relaxation, creativity, connection and empowerment. Use it to create beautiful artwork and gifts, or as a self-help tool to support a spiritual or healing journey.
The video below gives you a short introduction to all the elements of this powerful, yet gentle and supportive system.
Are you interested in creating beautiful art and gifts?
The Kolorlan System offers you a range of greetings cards to colour and personalise. Use the colours to send a personal message to a friend or loved one, or simply choose their favourite colours to create your design.
If you are looking to create art, either for yourself or to give as a gift, then try the Kolorlan postcard collection which you can colour and frame. Or select one of our blank canvases to colour and display in your home.
Use the Kolorlan card deck to guide your colour choices (especially helpful if you are someone who worries that you're not very good with colour, or not very creative). Then colour with the Kolorlan Gel Pens which have been specially designed to work alongside the card deck, using the Kolorlan colour families. The card deck includes practices to help you select your colours and a handy guide to support you in understanding the colour meanings and choosing what is best for your needs. Find these products in the Art Supplies Collection.
Browse the Kolorlan Collections for creating art and gifts

Kolorlan Colouring Supplies
Get your Kolorlan colouring supplies for creating stunning wall art and greetings...

Kolorlan Postcards
Kolorlan postcards allow you to create stunning artwork and gifts. Use the...

Kolorlan Greetings Cards
Gift a friend or loved one with these special Kolorlan Greetings Cards....
Are you interested in self-discovery and empowerment?
Living on planet Earth, it is inevitable that we all end up with a degree of disconnection from our true Self - the Soul. When this becomes extreme, it will manifest as physical illness. In less extreme cases, the symptoms look more like accidental know, the type of situation where you're aiming for a goal and somehow you just seem to mess it up without meaning to.
Well, the impact of that disconnection from Self can feel pretty terrible when we don't understand what's happening to us. In actual fact, although it seems like we've got into this situation because we've been making mistakes, nothing could be further from the truth. The disconnection served us at the time: it took place subconsciously, instigated by the nervous system carrying out its job perfectly, and it was necessary to our survival when it occurred. If it is presently creating discomfort that is because the disconnected parts are now ready to reconnect. And, I have good news...
The process of reconnection is actually very simple. It involves becoming aware of our inner world (self-discovery), learning to accept the parts that are disconnected and they will simply reconnect, leaving us more empowered and able to experience more freedom and joy.
I know that sounds too good to be true. But it isn't. Where people tend to go wrong is in assuming that because a process is simple, it will therefore be quick and easy. The truth is (and I know this because I've followed this path myself), the process takes time and regular practice. Some days that practice feels light and easy, other days it's more of a challenge. The trick is to simply keep showing up and moving forwards one step at a time. And that is where the Kolorlan System comes in...
Although this process takes time, there's no reason why it has to be hard work or serious or boring. I developed the Kolorlan System for my own use, and it helped to support my recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Working with Colour Therapy and Sacred Geometry, this system is connecting with your Energy body (the underlying root of your physical body). You don't need to understand anything about this in order to benefit. Simply follow the practices, enjoy the colours and marvel at the beautiful art that you create in the process!
If you're ready to dive in, start browsing the collections below. If you prefer to try something small first, then click on the button to request a free Kolorlan practice and give the system a trial run.
Browse the Kolorlan Collections for self-discovery and empowerment

Kolorlan System for Wholeness and Metamorphosis
The Kolorlan System is designed to help you explore your inner world...

Kolorlan Colouring Journals
The Kolorlan Colouring Journals are specially designed to invite you to explore...

Kolorlan Colouring Supplies
Get your Kolorlan colouring supplies for creating stunning wall art and greetings...

Meet Katie Dean...
...creator of the Kolorlan System.
Hello! I am Katie and I developed this system on my own recovery journey from twenty years living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It combines everything that I learned from studying Bioenergetics, Colour Therapy, Trauma and Metaphysics.
I now run courses and offer coaching on my website and I love supporting others on their personal journeys, overcoming whatever major life issues are challenging them.
So, can I help you? If you're ready to begin the process of reconnecting to Self and healing, I invite you to begin browsing the Kolorlan products.
Start Browsing the Kolorlan Collections Now
Kolorlan System for Wholeness and Metamorphosis
The Kolorlan System is designed to help you explore your inner world...
Kolorlan Colouring Journals
The Kolorlan Colouring Journals are specially designed to invite you to explore...
Kolorlan Colouring Supplies
Get your Kolorlan colouring supplies for creating stunning wall art and greetings...
Kolorlan Greetings Cards
Gift a friend or loved one with these special Kolorlan Greetings Cards....
Kolorlan Postcards
Kolorlan postcards allow you to create stunning artwork and gifts. Use the...
The Kolorlan System
The Complete Kolorlan System